Look for 1974, stay quiet …..look around and then find the way to descend from the top music pyramid.
A year who represent the creation, incorporating the best multi-culture language.
Elkin & Nelson, two brothers from Colombia selfs remeeting in Spain after spinning in the States and Europe,
Thinking to make a sintesis album of all the influences have it.
I remember dancing this big success in the dance floor after more of 20 years and have a clue about is Origen.
London and New York are likes mother that running a music family, as a social tam tam who reverberate the sweat
Of his crossing human sacrifices and destiny’s……………a art form of balance.
Inside this freedom TV performance I meet again that pure global value called history,
Soul Flamenco funk rumba. A name and a recall : Jibaro…….
That primordial energy that provoke a natural and instinctive reaction to dance.