Steve Shelto, SAM Records, could New York be the place where destiny’s so different could have some in commune ?

Still exist the posibility to induce dreams and ambitions with people so different from us ?

I don’t know, but this is one of this. From Brooklyn Steve got the youth and the dream, From Manhattan SAM records the ambition

and the economic resources………thanks to Sam Weiss promoter who comes from Romania. After long time the label become NERVOUS

very famous for the house music. At the beginnings Mr. Shelto was a singer in the subways of N.Y. then at the court of Grace of Monaco

and the princes of Windsor………

A big jump………..May even his fathers could believe at this rare fate. He made just one disco success “ Don’t give your love away “.

Inside you will find the heart of disco meaning : funky disco base, brass line, excellent melody trough a very fine voice……………

The breaking point at the min. 2,17 it’s a genius electric shoot. Mr. Shelto was define as Mr. Class…..listen to believe.