Today I present to you one of my favorite hip houses from the 80s, specifically from 1989.
Rap is performed by M-Doc, a basketball-loving Chicago guy, although it is not the hip hop version
that I present today, but the Remix of one of the most prolific producers in London in the early 90s,
CJ Mackintosh .
An elegant track that runs through a kaleidoscope of samples, typical in the productions of that time,
to highlight that of Teddy Pendergrass, “You can’t hide from yourself”.
I used to play it in Barcelona at the Ars Studio, the first club in Spain to play “House Music All Nite Long”,
and when we closed at 06:00 in the morning, I would take it to the fantastic Ozono afterhours, “The Club”,
where it caused a furor …
Enjoy it!

Muzik. Life. Emotions.