Or you move and sing or you are out……..

Be countertrend is always a form to sourvivre.

With the corner eye we feel how the rhythm of time admit less space

To the silence, because we give back to our chooses the duty to be responsible

At a reality where we are always in debt.

The world seems a liquid plantetions, where we move with difficulty……

Or you move and sing or you are out……..

The globalization makes really over the distances creating better our human quality,

Or just made impoverish the explores initiative against the geographics and social spaces, leaving us more lonliness than before ?

Some N.Y. guys felt the desire to export them selfs , expanding them selfs

Directly from the font of hurban-funk to Paris in the 1971 with no economics garanties.

Certanly countertrend rispect at the people who waiting a discograph contract

In the mail box.

The funk resound more close, the plantetion became less heavy,

The silence became silence, when in a some corner of the map still ring

His old dream from the title Hihache