Thanks Carlino Mix and his creation Piper festival, the Italians plazas could enjoined for the last time
a sun coming from Martinicas islands, fade for ever and passing’s away, for covid disease.
Patrick Gibson, drummer of the Gibson brothers………..owners of a lot of success like “Cuba “.

Here a precious proof from Carlino :

“ When I bring him for new’s years day to the big social dinner of the Quintana happening, he told me felt distressed
And that he could fix it with a sandwich. I’m talking about Patrick, one of the Gibson brothers, I had the pleasure
To spend some time with him, for work obvious, but I found all his modesty, like he almost doesn’t understand how
mouch they gives to all the people like me who played their songs for more generations.
Professional, but not too mouch, thanks his uncontrollable style, meticulous and always on time, a very gentle drummer,
Never arrogant and with a smile like knowing how lucky he was.
With me crying not only the disco funs, but all the people who believe that, true artists may are them who doesn’t know
They are “

Thanks Carlino, thanks Patrick……………