Sacha meriggioli
in the planetary distribution of synth pop at the beginning of the year 80, what remains is an orbit of a few melodies left in the common memory.
The structure of a song conceived and created for a growing market, led to transform a musical idea into a product
In series, practically creating an industry. But some melodies made the difference in the immense commercial wave of the time.
Precious little diamond is one of these, because it retains that specific human touch that transports beyond the barriers of homologation,
Leaving suspended in the dream, with no effort.
Holland, a group with more exotic origins like the country itself, looking at them seems to be at the ONU, a girl
With blinding charm and beauty, God bless his mother, Sylvia Musmin and frontman Berth tamaela
they give us one of the rarest gems of our roaring ages.